Scientific Sessions
Dear participants, we are proud to announce to you this years’ scientific program regulations. You can be part of the congress as an active or passive participant.
Scientific Sessions
Dear participants, we are proud to announce to you this years’ scientific program regulations. You can be part of the congress as an active or passive participant.
Active Participants
Hello dear participants,
Welcome to the scientific session of IBCS-Sofia. This is one of many opportunities our congress can offer you. As participant in it you will learn many useful skills such as critical thinking, responsibility, evidence-based medicine and research in the chosen of you field.
As active participants you can present your scientific researches which can be in the form of case report, clinical review, meta-analysis or your own research. The abstracts will be separated in four main categories which are preclinic, public health, therapy and surgery. You can participate either by oral presentation or by poster.
The poster should be standard format (100cm/70cm). If you choose to present by oral presentation you will have 10 minutes to present and 3 minutes for questions, and If preferred to present a poster you will have 5 minutes to present and 3 minutes for questions. Your presentations will be evaluated by our jury composed of renowned doctors and professors.
For participation in our scientific session, first you will have to register as active participant and fill the blank following the instructions. One of the blanks is for the case report and the other one is for the remaining researches. Lastly you should pay the active participation fee at our register desk.
Active Participants
Hello dear participants,
Welcome to the scientific session of IBCS-Sofia. This is one of many opportunities our congress can offer you. As participant in it you will learn many useful skills such as critical thinking, responsibility, evidence-based medicine and research in the chosen of you field.
As active participants you can present your scientific researches which can be in the form of case report, clinical review, meta-analysis or your own research. The abstracts will be separated in four main categories which are preclinic, public health, therapy and surgery. You can participate either by oral presentation or by poster.
The poster should be standard format (100cm/70cm). If you choose to present by oral presentation you will have 10 minutes to present and 3 minutes for questions, and If preferred to present a poster you will have 5 minutes to present and 3 minutes for questions. Your presentations will be evaluated by our jury composed of renowned doctors and professors.
For participation in our scientific session, first you will have to register as active participant and fill the blank following the instructions. One of the blanks is for the case report and the other one is for the remaining researches. Lastly you should pay the active participation fee at our register desk.
The maximum length of an abstract is 350 words.
An abstract for a review, research or meta-analysis should include:
Title, Authors and co-authors, Introductions, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusion, References.
An abstract for a case report should include: Title, Authors and co-authors, Introductions, Case presentation, Discussion, Conclusion, References.
An abstract for a review, research or meta-analysis should include:
Title, Authors and co-authors, Introductions, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusion, References.
An abstract for a case report should include: Title, Authors and co-authors, Introductions, Case presentation, Discussion, Conclusion, References.
The maximum length of an abstract is 350 words.
Passive Participants
Passive participant is a member of the group of authors who is not presenting the research during the Congress or someone who does not have a published abstract in the book. Any student can be a passive participant in IBCS 2024!
Passive Participants
Passive participant is a member of the group of authors who is not presenting the research during the Congress or someone who does not have a published abstract in the book. Any student can be a passive participant in IBCS 2024!
Rules and regulations
If you choose oral presentation, you will have to meet the requirements of our scientific jury. Active participants have to prepare their presentation in PowerPoint or any other presentation software and to present their work in 8 minutes. Two more minutes will be left for questions from the jury and the audience. Your presentations will be assessed according to the following criteria:
Time management, Presenting skills, Data quality, Availability of statistical analyses, Support of data, Data significance, Take home message.
If you choose to present a poster you will be given 5 minutes to talk, and 2 more minutes will be left for questions from the jury and the audience. Active participants have to prepare their posters in A1 format – 60×90 cm. Your presentations will be assessed according to the following criteria:
Time management, Presenting skills, Data quality, Availability of statistical analyses, Support of data, Data significance, Take home message.
Previous editions of our Congress had a competition as part of the scientific programme and this year is not an exclusion. Active participants will compete separately in Oral presentation and Poster categories. In both categories, the abstracts will be divided in four scientific topics – Surgery, Therapy, Public Health and Preclinical. The first stage will end with one winner and two runners-up in each of the scientific session topics. Winners in each category will meet once again in our grand final during the last day of the Congress. That’s how we will determine the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in both Oral and Poster sessions granting those people the right to say that they and their topic are best. Winners and runners-up in the final stage are going to be awarded by the Organizing committee with great awards.
Abstracts that are already published in scientific magazines won’t be accepted!
All active and passive participants will receive a certificate mentioning their role and the title and authors of their corresponding scientific work.
The Organizing Committee has the right to change the regulations
in case of unexpected circumstances.
Rules and
If you choose oral presentation, you will have to meet the requirements of our scientific jury. Active participants have to prepare their presentation in PowerPoint or any other presentation software and to present their work in 8 minutes. Two more minutes will be left for questions from the jury and the audience. Your presentations will be assessed according to the following criteria:
Time management, Presenting skills, Data quality, Availability of statistical analyses, Support of data, Data significance, Take home message.
If you choose to present a poster you will be given 5 minutes to talk, and 2 more minutes will be left for questions from the jury and the audience. Active participants have to prepare their posters in A1 format – 60×90 cm. Your presentations will be assessed according to the following criteria:
Time management, Presenting skills, Data quality, Availability of statistical analyses, Support of data, Data significance, Take home message.
Previous editions of our Congress had a competition as part of the scientific programme and this year is not an exclusion. Active participants will compete separately in Oral presentation and Poster categories. In both categories, the abstracts will be divided in four scientific topics – Surgery, Therapy, Public Health and Preclinical. The first stage will end with one winner and two runners-up in each of the scientific session topics. Winners in each category will meet once again in our grand final during the last day of the Congress. That’s how we will determine the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in both Oral and Poster sessions granting those people the right to say that they and their topic are best. Winners and runners-up in the final stage are going to be awarded by the Organizing committee with great awards.
Abstracts that are already published in scientific magazines won’t be accepted!
All active and passive participants will receive a certificate mentioning their role and the title and authors of their corresponding scientific work.
The Organizing Committee has the right to change the regulations
in case of unexpected circumstances.