Дентален Симпозиум
Денталният симпозиум е уникално събитие, насочено към студенти, новодипломирани лекари и всички, които желаят да обогатят своите знания и умения. Това е един от допълнителните клъстери на IBCS. Уъркшопите биват демонстративни, теоретични и практически, за да може всеки да разшири теоретичните си знания и да усъвършенства уменията си. В IBCS студентите имат възможност да научат за най-новите иновации в имплантологията, оралната хирургия и ортодонтията от водещите експерти в тези области.
Дентален Симпозиум
Денталният симпозиум е уникално събитие, насочено към студенти, новодипломирани лекари и всички, които желаят да обогатят своите знания и умения. Това е един от допълнителните клъстери на IBCS. Уъркшопите биват демонстративни, теоретични и практически, за да може всеки да разшири теоретичните си знания и да усъвършенства уменията си. В IBCS студентите имат възможност да научат за най-новите иновации в имплантологията, оралната хирургия и ортодонтията от водещите експерти в тези области.
- Петък
- Събота
- Неделя
08:00 – 12:00
12:00 – 13:00
Почивка за обяд
13:00 – 13:45
Лекция по дентална медицина 1
Проф. Димова
13:45 – 14:00
Кафе пауза
14:00 – 15:00
Доклад за дентален случай 1
Др. Влахова
15:00 – 15:15
Кафе пауза
15:15 – 16:00
Доклад за дентален случай 2
Др. Илиев
16:15 – 18:00
Премиум уъркшоп
Дентален лазерен център Влахова
Отваряне на Symbiatric
Церемония по откриването
09:00 – 12:00
Уъркшопи по дентална медицина
12:00 – 12:15
Кафе пауза
12:15 – 13:15
Доклад за дентален случай 3
Др. Дойчинова
13:15 – 13:30
Кафе пауза
13:30 – 14:30
Лекция по дентална медицина 2
14:30 – 15:00
Почивка за обяд
15:00 – 15:45
Лекция по дентална медицина 3
Др. Раденков
15:45 – 16:00
Кафе пауза
16:00 – 18:00
Уъркшопи по дентална медицина
08:30 – 10:30
Уъркшопи по дентална медицина
10:30 – 10:45
Кафе пауза
10:45 – 11:45
Лекция по дентална медицина 4
д-р Джорова
11:45 – 12:00
Кафе пауза
12:00 – 13:00
Лекция по дентална медицина 5
Др. Аспарухов
13:00 – 13:30
Почивка за обяд
13:30 – 14:45
Уъркшопи по дентална медицина
Церемония по закриването
- Петък
- Събота
- Неделя
08:00 – 12:00
12:00 – 13:00
Почивка за обяд
13:00 – 13:45
Лекция по дентална медицина 1
Проф. Димова
13:45 – 14:00
Кафе пауза
14:00 – 15:00
Доклад за дентален случай 1
Др. Влахова
15:00 – 15:15
Кафе пауза
15:15 – 16:00
Доклад за дентален случай 2
Др. Илиев
16:15 – 18:00
Премиум уъркшоп
Дентален лазерен център Влахова
Отваряне на Symbiatric
Церемония по откриването
09:00 – 12:00
Уъркшопи по дентална медицина
12:00 – 12:15
Кафе пауза
12:15 – 13:15
Доклад за дентален случай 3
Др. Дойчинова
13:15 – 13:30
Кафе пауза
13:30 – 14:30
Лекция по дентална медицина 2
14:30 – 15:00
Почивка за обяд
15:00 – 15:45
Лекция по дентална медицина 3
Др. Раденков
15:45 – 16:00
Кафе пауза
16:00 – 18:00
Уъркшопи по дентална медицина
08:30 – 10:30
Уъркшопи по дентална медицина
10:30 – 10:45
Кафе пауза
10:45 – 11:45
Лекция по дентална медицина 4
д-р Джорова
11:45 – 12:00
Кафе пауза
12:00 – 13:00
Лекция по дентална медицина 5
Др. Аспарухов
13:00 – 13:30
Почивка за обяд
13:30 – 14:45
Уъркшопи по дентална медицина
Церемония по закриването
Премиум: Лазери 101
Използването на лазери в ежедневната практика не е обичайно известно в стоматологията. Но тук имате възможност да видите на място многобройните предимства, които лазерите предлагат в стоматологичната професия.
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “Simple immediate implant placement. Focus on socket seal abutment and soft tissue preservation.”
Simple immediate implant placement. Focus on socket seal abutment and soft tissue preservation.
Master the art of immediate implant placement! This workshop focuses on using socket seal abutments to preserve soft tissue and enhance esthetics after extraction. Learn key techniques for achieving predictable, beautiful results with minimal healing time.
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “Lasers 101”.
Predictable and Anatomical Restoration of Class 2 Contact Point with Palodent V3 and 360
Discover the tricks to achieving flawless, predictable Class 2 restorations. Get ready to master contact points that fit like a dream every time!
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “How to Avoid Early Mistakes in Machine Instrumentation”, “Bonding under a microscope. Cross-polarization, shade determination” and “Digital scanning with the last generation Itero-Lumina”.
How to Avoid Early Mistakes in Machine Instrumentation
A workshop to help you skip the trial and error! Learn the common pitfalls in machine instrumentation and how to get it right from the start for smooth, error-free procedures.
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “Predictable and Anatomical Restoration of Class 2 Contact Point with Palodent V3 and 360”, “Bonding under a microscope. Cross-polarization, shade determination” and “Digital scanning with the last generation Itero-lumina”.
Premium: Digital Scanning with the last generation Itero-Lumina
Explore the world of high-tech scanning and master the art of spotting hidden approximal cavities. Capture flawless impressions and detect caries with ease, taking your diagnostic skills to the next level!
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “How to Avoid Early Mistakes in Machine Instrumentation”, “Predictable and Anatomical Restoration of Class 2 Contact Point with Palodent V3 and 360” and “Bonding under a microscope. Cross-polarization, shade determination”.
Premium: Bonding under a Microscope. Cross-polarization, shade determination.
Dive into the art of bonding under the microscope, using cross-polarization and precise shade matching to achieve lifelike, seamless restorations. Perfect for those aiming for perfection in dental aesthetics!
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “How to Avoid Early Mistakes in Machine Instrumentation”, “Predictable and Anatomical Restoration of Class 2 Contact Point with Palodent V3 and 360” and “Digital Scanning with the last generation Itero-Lumina”.
iTOP (Individually Trained Oral Prophylaxis)
Create a personalized approach to oral hygiene training, focusing on effective techniques for optimal oral health. Learn how individualized methods can elevate patient care and long-term dental wellness.
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “Digitally guided Implantology- Planning and Implant Placement with a Surgical Guide”.
Digitally guided Implantology- Planning and Implant Placement with a Surgical Guide
Discover the power of digital tools in implantology. This workshop covers everything from virtual planning to using surgical guides for precise, predictable implant placements.
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “iTOP(Individually Trained Oral Prophylaxis)”.
This Suturing Skills Workshop is a hands-on session to master essential suturing techniques for precise, secure wound closure. Perfect for refining your skills with expert tips on stitching like a pro!
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “BONDING- finesse in the details, how bonding transforms the smile and self-confidence” and “Kofferdame- why, when and how?”.
Kofferdame- why, when and how?
Uncover the secrets to stress-free isolation! Learn when to use it, how to place it, and why it’s your best friend for smooth, mess-free procedures. Say goodbye to moisture and hello to control!
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “BONDING- finesse in the details, how bonding transforms the smile and self-confidence” and “Sutures”.
Premium: BONDING – finesse in the details, how bonding transforms the smile and self-confidence
This workshop explores the power of detailed bonding techniques to elevate smiles and enhance self-esteem. Learn how the smallest details can make the biggest difference!
Anterior Bonding
Bright Smiles Ahead – a practical session for mastering the art of bonding front teeth. Learn techniques to create natural, beautiful smiles that dazzle!
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “Attachment Placement for Clear Aligners: A Workshop for Future Orthodontists”.
Attachment Placement for Clear Aligners: A Workshop for Future Orthodontists
Stick It Right! It’s a hands-on workshop for future orthodontists to master the art of tiny, powerful attachments that make aligners work their magic.
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “Anterior Bonding”.
Премиум: Лазери 101
Използването на лазери в ежедневната практика не е обичайно известно в стоматологията. Но тук имате възможност да видите на място многобройните предимства, които лазерите предлагат в стоматологичната професия.
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “Simple immediate implant placement. Focus on socket seal abutment and soft tissue preservation.”
Simple immediate implant placement. Focus on socket seal abutment and soft tissue preservation.
Master the art of immediate implant placement! This workshop focuses on using socket seal abutments to preserve soft tissue and enhance esthetics after extraction. Learn key techniques for achieving predictable, beautiful results with minimal healing time.
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “Lasers 101”.
Predictable and Anatomical Restoration of Class 2 Contact Point with Palodent V3 and 360
Discover the tricks to achieving flawless, predictable Class 2 restorations. Get ready to master contact points that fit like a dream every time!
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “How to Avoid Early Mistakes in Machine Instrumentation”, “Bonding under a microscope. Cross-polarization, shade determination” and “Digital scanning with the last generation Itero-Lumina”.
How to Avoid Early Mistakes in Machine Instrumentation
A workshop to help you skip the trial and error! Learn the common pitfalls in machine instrumentation and how to get it right from the start for smooth, error-free procedures.
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “Predictable and Anatomical Restoration of Class 2 Contact Point with Palodent V3 and 360”, “Bonding under a microscope. Cross-polarization, shade determination” and “Digital scanning with the last generation Itero-lumina”.
Premium: Digital Scanning with the last generation Itero-Lumina
Explore the world of high-tech scanning and master the art of spotting hidden approximal cavities. Capture flawless impressions and detect caries with ease, taking your diagnostic skills to the next level!
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “How to Avoid Early Mistakes in Machine Instrumentation”, “Predictable and Anatomical Restoration of Class 2 Contact Point with Palodent V3 and 360” and “Bonding under a microscope. Cross-polarization, shade determination”.
Premium: Bonding under a Microscope. Cross-polarization, shade determination.
Dive into the art of bonding under the microscope, using cross-polarization and precise shade matching to achieve lifelike, seamless restorations. Perfect for those aiming for perfection in dental aesthetics!
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “How to Avoid Early Mistakes in Machine Instrumentation”, “Predictable and Anatomical Restoration of Class 2 Contact Point with Palodent V3 and 360” and “Digital Scanning with the last generation Itero-Lumina”.
iTOP (Individually Trained Oral Prophylaxis)
Create a personalized approach to oral hygiene training, focusing on effective techniques for optimal oral health. Learn how individualized methods can elevate patient care and long-term dental wellness.
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “Digitally guided Implantology- Planning and Implant Placement with a Surgical Guide”.
Digitally guided Implantology- Planning and Implant Placement with a Surgical Guide
Discover the power of digital tools in implantology. This workshop covers everything from virtual planning to using surgical guides for precise, predictable implant placements.
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “iTOP(Individually Trained Oral Prophylaxis)”.
This Suturing Skills Workshop is a hands-on session to master essential suturing techniques for precise, secure wound closure. Perfect for refining your skills with expert tips on stitching like a pro!
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “BONDING- finesse in the details, how bonding transforms the smile and self-confidence” and “Kofferdame- why, when and how?”.
Kofferdame – why, when and how?
Uncover the secrets to stress-free isolation! Learn when to use it, how to place it, and why it’s your best friend for smooth, mess-free procedures. Say goodbye to moisture and hello to control!
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “BONDING- finesse in the details, how bonding transforms the smile and self-confidence” and “Sutures”.
Premium: BONDING – finesse in the details, how bonding transforms the smile and self-confidence
This workshop explores the power of detailed bonding techniques to elevate smiles and enhance self-esteem. Learn how the smallest details can make the biggest difference!
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “How to Avoid Early Mistakes in Machine Instrumentation”, “Bonding under a microscope.
Anterior Bonding
Bright Smiles Ahead – a practical session for mastering the art of bonding front teeth. Learn techniques to create natural, beautiful smiles that dazzle!
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “Attachment Placement for Clear Aligners: A Workshop for Future Orthodontists”.
Attachment Placement for Clear Aligners: A Workshop for Future Orthodontists
Stick It Right! It’s a hands-on workshop for future orthodontists to master the art of tiny, powerful attachments that make aligners work their magic.
IMPORTANT: If you sign up for this workshop you cannot sign up for “Anterior Bonding”.